Destino Propuesto

Destino Propuesto
En el santuario, los elefantes rescatados de America del Sur, podrán expresar sus comportamientos naturales y recuperarse de años de cautiverio en circos y zoos. Su co-fundador es Scott Blais nuestro consultor y amigo en la tarea de rescatar a Ramba y con el cual trabajamos para su traslado definitivo.




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JAMIROQUAI pide por la libertad de Ramba

Yo apoyo a Ramba, y tu?

Yo apoyo a Ramba, y tu?






"The state of Chile decommissioned Ramba, the Asian elephant , in 1997 which means Chile has been responsible for the quality of life until now. Ramba unfortunately continued working in the circus until august 2010 and presently Ramba is still in the possession of the Chilean circus owners. Ecopolis requested that Chile have the elephant examined by a veterinarian. The government of Chile accepted and Ecopolis brought their consultant Mel Richardson from the USA. Based on his evaluation, Ecopolis concluded that Ramba should be rescued from her owners. Ramba is still in possession of the same people that has exploited her for 14 years with no break. A few months ago, Ramba was "retired" but Ramba cannot perform half of the tricks that she used to do in the past.

The damage is done because the Chilean Agricultural and Livestock authority (SAG) that is responsible for Ramba abandoned their own legal obligations.

Nothing is being done and if left in the hands of the abusive circus owners Ramba could collapse (possibly die) during this winter if she is not rescued now! Ecopolis urges that Chile finally do the right thing with Ramba by placing her in better care and following the recommendations of CITES. The organization CITES obligates to protect the species that are under protection status, especially the ones that are in danger of extinction.

This instrument called "ankus", a metal bar and hook was used to force train Ramba. During her whole life was being told where to go and where to stand. The elephants have a tough skin but sensitive, in fact elephants are afraid of bees because they feel the pain of bee stings so they must feel a tremendous amount of pain when trainers use the "ankus."

At one point we thought that we were going to be able to take Ramba to a Sanctuary in Tennessee. However, the procedures that the sanctuary demands have not been completed.

Sadly Ramba was trained to perform circus tricks but the circus owners never gave her any medical attention. Therefore, Ramba has not been trained to even tolerate a blood test. Ramba does not have a medical record, nor sanitary certification and SAG has never requested any type of documentation even though they were supposed to be responsible for her health and welfare.

Now we face a situation that prevents Ramba from going to Tennessee and we are looking into options to sustain Ramba in Chile, at the Quilpue Zoo. This ZOO can help Ramba to begin recovering and seek treatment for the short term. Ramba will need to be trained in order to tolerate the clinical exams that she needs for her possible trip to The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee.

Florencia Trujillo
Ecopolis Disciplinas Integradas Santiago de Chile, Mayo de 2011.-


Somos una organización-sin fines de lucro-de Valparaíso, dedicada a la protección y defensa de los animales. (Personalidad Jurídica 2022, 1/9/2006).

Cómo ayudar

Cómo ayudar
en el proceso de rehabilitación de Ramba:
HAZ TU APORTE en la cuenta de ahorro de Ecopolis Disciplinas Integradas Nº : 23962760708 RUT: 65.915.400-5 Banco Estado // Correo:

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Traslado de Scott y Katherine Blais desde USA y logística en el traslado de Ramba desde el circo Los Tachuelas hasta Parque Safari fue gracias a:








Sus primeros días en Parque Safari

¿Por qué el gobierno de Chile (SAG) no responde por Ramba?

(Año 2012) Como Ecópolis solicitamos formalmente al gobierno de Chile solventar los gastos en vitud de las obligaciones contraídas por el Estado de Chile como país miembro de la Convención CITES. El 17 de agosto de 2012 recibimos respuesta oficial del SAG donde señalan que NO les compete la mantención del elefante asiático y que no es resorte del ejecutivo tomar la iniciativa en esta materia.
No pretendemos reemplazar al Estado de Chile en sus obligaciones pero ante la pasividad de la autoridad NO nos quedaremos de brazos cruzados esperando que Ramba sea un testimonio más de la indolencia gubernamental en el cumplimiento de su deber. Por ello nuestra conclusión necesariamente es crítica al funcionamiento de la institucionalidad y, al mismo tiempo, no pierde de vista al individuo (Ramba) ni el imperativo moral de atender las necesidades propias de su especie.
"Porque salvar a un animal, ciertamente, no cambiará el mundo... pero para ese animal el mundo cambiará para siempre"

Estado de Ramba en el circo

(Octubre 2011)




