AUGUST, 2012
We remind our followers that the campaign LIBEREN A RAMBA (FREE RAMBA) involves three stages. The stages described since it was proposed to rescue Ramba to the Chilean authorities in 2009.
2nd STAGE HEALTH RECOVERY AND TESTS (obtaining sanitary certification)
On the 16 th of August 2010 LIBEREN A RAMBA CAMPAIGN, THE LAST ENSLAVED ELEPHANT IN CHILE officially began with the meeting with SAG (Agricultural Service) National Director, Mr. Víctor Venegas, in which we gave to him a legal and veterinary report about Ramba's case:
Due to the anomalous situation that violated the law and international agreements suscribed by Chile on protected species, we formally asked SAG to change Ramba's tenant in order to transfer her from the circus to the Elephant Sanctuary in the U.S. Ramba is a protected specie listed on the appendix 1 of CITES (endangered species), whereby Ramba should be relocated in a Rescue Center or Elephant Sanctuary that provides the necessary care for her specie.
Because of the negative answer by the State of Chile we felt obliged to sue the circus owner, Joaquín Maluenda Quezada, for illegal traffic of endangered species protected by CITES and animal abuse, besides sending a complaint against SAG to Contraloría General de la República (Republic General Comptroller)
On the 22nd of July 2011, the Guarantee Judge of San Bernardo ruled andordered the immediate transfer of the elephant to a foster home in the meantime the appropriate measures are taken to send her to a specialised centre.
Comptroller issues an opinion where they state that all the documents given to the circus by SAG (tenancy) are not valid and are against the Hunting and CITES Law and send this information to the General Attorney.
On the 5th of january 2012, Ramba is transported to Parque Safari Rancagua under police protection at the circus resistance.
Ramba is transported thanks to TES Consultants and Ecopolis; ; Scott Blais and Katherine Haselau who traveled from the U.S.A. to make Ramba enter the container that transported her to Parque Safari. The trip was possible thanks to the coordination between Ecopolis and other institutions related to the same goal: Elephant Sanctuary Tennessee (TES), Transportes Perrot, Hotel Radisson, Hotel San Martín, Restaurant Mare Nostrum, American Airlines and Parque Safari.
HEALTH RECOVERY AND TESTS (Obtaining sanitary certification)
With the aim of legalising Ramba's situation and given the current laws in Chile on destination of live seized animals related to exotic and endangered wildlife (CITES Resolution 10.7 of the Conference of the Parties and Circular N°294 of SAG, both named "Decisions Tree"), this is action plan:
1. Making veterinary examinations by experts in pachyderms, experts that shall be recommended by Ecopolis and travel especially from the U.S.A. for minimum term of one month, which would allow to have Ramba's health evaluation and sanitary certification. The evaluation by these professionals is the central element to make a decision about Ramba's future.
2. Sample Analysis: In Chilean laboratories where they have the necessary comparative profiles to analise Tuberculosis with blood samples and trunk secretions.
3. Veterinary treatments: :
- Health must be controlled by Ramba's veterinary, Dr. Javier Aguilar and follow the treatment prescribed by him.
- Drugs prescribed by Ramba's Veterinary, Dr. Javier Aguilar, must be afforded.
Ramba final transfer to Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee, USA recommended by the team, which will offer a recommendation based on a report made public:
a) In the event that the results of all tests and medical evaluation were inconclusive regarding the suitability of the specimen for a journey without risk to your health, we expect a decision approving the final transfer of the Shrine of Ramba Tennessee (USA), the holding center specializing in rehabilitation of elephants and operating history.
For this purpose the authority (SAG) contact the managers of the Sanctuary and prepare export permits or certificates for example corresponding to CITES I.
To this aim must travel to Chile experts Scott Blais, Katherine Haselou and Mel Richardson, who will evaluate the final hours of Ramba in Chile and monitoriarán their health during air travel to USA.
b) However, if the medical assessment dismisses the possibility of a trip to the Sanctuary in Tennessee, will discuss the alternative destination in accordance with CITES Resolution 10.7 of the Treaty and implement the recommendations of experts aimed at giving the best possible welfare Ramba possible.
Viña del Mar
Chile 2012
Santiago, Friday july 22nd, 2011.- After a long and in-depth investigation under the District Prosecutor, including the field research by Carabineros de Chile’s OS5, the complaint made by the NGO Ecópolis achieves results with the resolution dictated by the Judge that ordered the seizure of the most famous elephant in Chile: Ramba, that will be moved to Parque Safari de Rancagua as soon as possible.
The Zoo is aware of the resolution that gives them the temporary custody of the mythical elephant. About that, Gonzalo Sánchez, Commercial Director of Parque Safari stated: “It’s not the first time the authority asks us to receive an animal, temporarily or permanently. In all the cases, we work for free and willingly. Ramba won’t be the exception, eventhough, that means to deal with big expenses on construction of special facilities to meet the needs and maintenance of an Asian elephant.”
The representative of Los Tachuelas Circus, Joaquín Maluenda Jr., was clearly affected by the seizure resolution and stated to the mass media: “Ramba is ours and we’re not going to allow anyone to rob the elephant because of fanatics.”
On the other hand, Florencia Trujillo, Ecópolis Director, organization that promotes the campaign Free Ramba: the last Circus Elephant in Chile, raised the need to discuss a Law Project that bans the Animal circuses in Chile “for which the Executive must push the project that’s been resting in the Chamber of Deputies.”
The complaint meant to send to the Prosecutor all the information gathered for years (videos, pictures, testimonies, veterinarian reports, complaints). “We don’t understand why SAG (Agricultural and Livestock Service) didn’t act and they even supported the custody by the circus when we made them aware a year ago about the same information we gave the Prosecutor months ago.”, Florencia Trujillo exclaims with surprise.
Ecópolis and Parque Safari Agreement:
In her new environment, Ramba will recover her health and obtain a sanitary certification to be in good conditions to travel to the Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald, Tennessee in the U.S.A.
Parque Safari de Rancagua shall cover all the expenses of facilities and maintenance and Ecópolis will bring an expert on elephants from Argentina that will join Ramba in her recovery process.
Seeing Ramba in her new home will take a few days: “She will be transferred as soon as possible when the first stage of her environment is ready. She will have one-hectare prairie to walk freely, a shelter made from insulation materials, heating system to keep her warm at winter nights; we will build an artificial lagoon to enrich her environment. The idea is to improve her quality of life and for that reason, she needs to interact with water, sand and other elements of the nature. In any case, that’s the full concept of Parque Safari”, says the owner, Iván Sánchez.
Contraloría General de la República (General Comptroller of the Republic) issued a resolution in favor of the plaintiff:
Two months ago, Ecópolis and the senator Fulvio Rossi complained to Contraloría General de la República about the irregular situation at SAG. In this regard, the congressman said “Ramba is the tip of the iceberg, since the common practice of the administrative authority is to leave the custody in the hands of the offenders lions, tigers, bears and monkeys seized from the circuses because of illegal possession. If SAG didn’t know how to react to the complaints, they will listen to the Comptroller now.”
“When you get a favorable resolution to our complaint of illegality against SAG, all the animals – of protected species- in the custody of Circo Los Tachuelas should be removed as soon as possible and transferred to a proper place, because, their custody wouldn’t have any legal base”, says the Ecópolis sponsoring attorney, Alma Sánchez G.
Ecópolis, Disciplinas Integradas
(Dr. Mel Richardson, Veterinarian)
May 2011
Site Visit to Santiago, Chile to examine Ramba, a female Asian elephant, Elephas maximus, to determine her present condition and her suitability for travel.
**It is important to state from the beginning, that after observing Ramba in her present location with the Circo Los Tachuelas, I consider her condition grave. I urge the proper authorities in Chile to intervene and rescue Ramba. Until she can removed from the circus, she needs to be provided with a large mound of dirt and supplemental heat to relieve her suffering.
Ramba’s feet are neglected. The pads and cuticles are overgrown to the point of being pathologic. At least two of her front nails have what appear to be abscesses. She has multiple old hook and chaining injuries to her legs. Both front feet are rotated out causing uneven distribution of her weight in her front feet and therefore her joints in her front legs: carpus, elbow, and shoulder.
Spent another two hours in the morning observing Ramba. She was shivering. The circus told the other professionals that this was hiccups. Elephants do not hiccup. I asked if she had heat in the barn and they showed me her heater, which was cold and appeared to be unused.
I am concerned Ramba is not able to lie down. There are no mounds of dirt or sand for her to lie down. Laying down on an incline makes getting up easier for aged elephants. The circus was evasive when asked when she last lay down.
She occasionally partially collapsed or stumbled on her rear legs as if weak
Ramba needs to be removed from the care of Circo Los Tachuelas as soon as possible. Even if she is not physically moved from the compound right away, the care of Ramba needs to be supervised by the elephant keepers and biologists of the National Zoo immediately, until such time as she can be joined with Frida. The elephant facility at the Quelpue Zoo needs to be expanded to allow proper introduction of Ramba to Frida as soon as practical. Until Ramba can be moved she must immediately be provided with a large mound of dirt and given supplemetal heating. This is urgent and needs to be carried out immediately in order to relieve her suffering.
Henry Melvyn Richardson, DVM
The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee, USA, a place specially designed to receive rescued elephants, is currently saving Ramba a spot at their facilities. Now it is only a matter of wether Ramba can make this trip or not.
At the present time, Ramba is staying at a place in the comuna of La Pintana (southern Santiago) that is actually a parking lot for circus trucks. This place is property of the "Los Tachuelas" circus, and it is evident that it doesn't comply with the necessary conditions for taking care of an endangered animal.
"Being a naturally gregarious animal, she lives isolated and counts with very little space to move. Such place lacks of any kind of vegetation cover and doesn't provide permanent professional attention for her." says Florencia Trujillo (NGO Ecopolis)
After being seized, the Government decided to give the circus custody of the elephant "as long as they complied with the care requirements established by the SAG", pointed out Mario Gallardo (who is in charge of the Natural Resources branch at the SAG). He also added "if the SAG were to determine that Ramba's current conditions are not adequate, and that she can be moved to a different place that will fulfill her needs, the authorities will authorize her relocation."
After 14 years of being under custody of the circus, the SAG has forbidden that Ramba is further exhibited "given by the fact that she can no longer work itinerantly due to her advanced age" explained Mario Gallardo (SAG). Ramba's current health reports show that she is fine, but representatives of different animal rights organizations insist otherwise and demand for her liberation.
"Chile is a State bound by the provisions of CITES, which means that the Chilean State is obligated to specially protect this elephant" emphasized Florencia Trujillo (NGO Ecopolis). An elephant expert will come to Chile in May in order to evaluate her conditions, and his opinion might be a key factor in deciding Ramba's destiny.
This week concluded the evaluation of health of the elephant Ramba and with the valuable help of Dr. Mel Richardson, consultant Ecopolis, will be released the observed by the expert.
Dr. Richardson visited for several days at the animal storage facility that keeps el circo Los Tachuelas and observed Ramba and conditions of tenure, explored her feces, how to stand and move, their environment, finally, he observed to the condition they are in their limbs. When Dr. Mel Richardson see the legs of Ramba said: "¡ please, we must dismiss the men charged of seeing the legs!
Dr. Richardson visited for several days at the animal storage facility that keeps el circo Los Tachuelas and observed Ramba and conditions of tenure, explored her feces, how to stand and move, their environment, finally, he observed to the condition they are in their limbs. When Dr. Mel Richardson see the legs of Ramba said: "¡ please, we must dismiss the men charged of seeing the legs!
* Legs for elephants in captivity often suffer serious injuries if not properly maintained can even cause death of the animal for poisoning. The best way to prevent this is to provide a habitat very different from the place where he is currently Ramba.
"His legs are a mess, the force was trained to perform tricks on top of a drum but never bothered to train her for a blood sample from her ear," says Florencia Trujillo, Director of the NGO Ecopolis.
Ramba's life has been a SAG eternal suffering because it has allowed for years, since she was decommissioned in 1997 and left without any condition, in custody of the circus. Responsible for this is the State of Chile and this government has the duty and the opportunity to make things right for Ramba, "however, far from collaborating with the work of Dr. Richardson, SAG officials banned the expert to capture all images, to the point that had to leave his cell in the car which should take pictures of Ramba legs, "he said Ecopolis Director.
We demand the implementation of CITES and the hunting law that under the circumstances, require his immediate rescue.
At a press conference, Ecopolis give more background and will feature Dr. Melvyn Richardson.
Ramba's life has been a SAG eternal suffering because it has allowed for years, since she was decommissioned in 1997 and left without any condition, in custody of the circus. Responsible for this is the State of Chile and this government has the duty and the opportunity to make things right for Ramba, "however, far from collaborating with the work of Dr. Richardson, SAG officials banned the expert to capture all images, to the point that had to leave his cell in the car which should take pictures of Ramba legs, "he said Ecopolis Director.
We demand the implementation of CITES and the hunting law that under the circumstances, require his immediate rescue.
At a press conference, Ecopolis give more background and will feature Dr. Melvyn Richardson.
First Stage:
We request from Servicio Agrícola Ganadero (SAG-Agriculture and Livestock Service) allow Ramba to be transferred to the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee (USA ), where they have the necessary facilities for her welfare and protection.
Due to the anomalistic situation related to the law enforcement and international agreements submitted by Chile about endangered species, we have formally requested SAG changing custodians for Ramba the elephant in order to transfer her from the circus to the Elephant Sanctuary in the United States .
Where Ramba should not be:
Ramba is a protected specie listed in the appendix 1 of the CITES, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Thus, Ramba must be in a rescue center or an elephant sanctuary that grants the necessary care for her specie.
To obtain Ramba’s release we do not intend to demonize anyone, but we are categorical and straight: the elephant should not continue in the hands of the circus, she must be moved to the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee , USA .
The Science, the reason, the law, the international conventions are by our side, we have the conviction to do the right thing and we demand from the State of Chile the same willing to meet the commitments.
We are confident that the State of Chile shall benefit Ramba with a life she should have had long time ago. The obstacles that existed in the past for not realizing the seizure do not exist anymore today.
Beginning of the Campaign:
On Monday, August 16th, 2010 we kicked off officially the campaign “FREE RAMBA, THE LAST ENSLAVED ELEPHANT IN CHILE”, whose activity highlight was the premiere of the video campaign and the meeting with the SAG National Director (SERVICIO AGRICOLA GANADERO, Agricultural and Livestock Service), Mr. Víctor Venegas, in which he was given a full legal and veterinarian report related to Ramba’s case.
Left to right: Florencia Trujillo (Ecópolis Director), Ricardo Cirio (Animanaturalis National Coordinator) and Víctor Venegas (SAG National Director).
In this meeting the Director told us that they had already an agreement between SAG and Ramba’s temporary custodian to retire her on September 1st, 2010 from the circus activities and move the elephant “forever” to the circus’ plot in La Pintana (Santiago ). We took the chance to show him pictures and layouts of the so-called “resting plot” of 0.95 hectares: one parking lot which is full of circus trailers and caravans where there is a very small percentage dedicated to confinement enclosures and cages.
Space for Ramba
0,95-hectare resting plot
We informed the Director that the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee is interested in giving Ramba a home place. The sanctuary that counts with proper facilities to satisfy all her needs.
The 1090,80-hectare Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee , USA
The Tennessee ’s Elephant Sanctuary grants three natural environments with separated and protected habitats for Asian elephants as well as African elephants. Part of the property is aimed to elephants shelters, quarantine pens, veterinary center and a lake fed by a 10,10-hectare spring.
1ST Give the authorities (SAG) the action plan proposed by Ecópolis team to define Ramba’s future and her eventual trip to the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee (USA) or another adequate place recommended by the elephants expert, Dr. Mel Richardson.
2nd Mass-media Campaign.
Ramba’s Acceptation Letter, medical examinations should be performed prior to her trip.
In order to regularize Ramba’s situation and having considered the current law in Chile about the fate of seized live animals belonging to the wildlife in danger of extinction and according to the 10.7 Resolution “Conference of the Parties, CITES” and SAG document Nº294 (both of them named “Tree of Decisions”), we propose the authority the following action plan:
1. The medical-veterinarian examination by the expert in pachyderms, Dr. Mel Richardson along with a team of professionals, which is going to give a specicific evaluation on Ramba’s health that completes the current general health report. The evaluation by specialists will be the core to make a decision about Ramba’s future.
2. The change of custodians and substantial modification on Ramba’s tenancy according to the recommendations made by the multidisciplinary team of professionals, many of whom have already committed for this purpose.
3. The permanent transfer to the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee (USA ) or another proper place recommended by the multidisciplinary team of professionals that will give their opinion through a written public report:
a) If the result of the medical examination were conclusive about the suitability of the specimen to travel without any considerable health risk, it is expected a decision authorizing the permanent transfer of Ramba to the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee (USA), a center specialized in tenancy and rehab for elephants with a history of exploitation. For this effect, the authority (SAG) shall contact the Management of the Sanctuary and provide the permission and certificates to export the specimen as CITES I dictates.
b) On the other hand, if the evaluation dismisses the possibility for a trip to the Sanctuary in Tennessee , alternatives of destination must be provided according to the 10.7 CITES CONVENTION and the recommendations made by the team of experts must be implemented in order to give the best possible welfare conditions to Ramba.
4. Begin construction of a Rescue Center for Big Mammals:
a) As one of the obligations which each State gets at the moment of submitting the CITES CONVENTION, Chile is not exempt from the duty of building and enabling rescue centers to protect animals that have been seized due to the CITES CONVENTION infringement.
b) Also as SAG is the legitimate CITES Authority on Wildlife that supervises and penalizes all the acts that break this law, it is within the same institution where this idea of a rescue center for big mammals should start. And the Chilean citizens should be a contributing element for the realization of such public interest project.
Support by celebrities from different fields such as artists, musicians, actors, TV-hosts, philosophers, journalists, entrepreneurs, animal rights activists, ecology activists.
Joe Vasconcellos (singer and songwriter) supports FREE RAMBA campaign.
Quique Neira (reggae singer and songwriter) supports FREE RAMBA campaign.
Cristóbal Tapia Montt (actor, tv-cinema-theater) supports FREE RAMBA campaign.